xCVF112MR 2016色 駱駝牌玻璃膽保溫瓶450ml - 紅色(已停產)
- 香港製造
- 容量:450ml
- 尺寸:8cm (W) x 23.6cm (H)
- 金屬噴漆瓶身、雙層真空玻璃內膽
- 改良瓶口容易倒出液體
- 一般能保溫24小時
- 附有可旋轉膠塞、不銹鋼蓋
- 付款前請閱讀所有相關條款、"Payment & Delivery"頁、"使用說明"頁等。
- 質量問題可申請換貨或退款外,其餘人為因素一律恕不提供退款、退換或退貨,購買前必須考慮清楚。
- 由於不設退換,貨品尺寸、詳情等資料已詳列在網站,如先量度尺寸後才購買,如送禮給朋友,請先聯絡客戶服務員查詢。
- 每部電腦螢光幕顯示的顏色均有所不同,顏色極有可能與實物出現差距,如對顏色有高度要求的客人,請親自到達工場查看貨品顏色。色差問題,恕不負責。
- 如不同意上述需知及條款,請勿下單,一經下訂單,即代表同意以上所有條款。
1. 保溫瓶內有黑印及透明印是生產過程中正常現象,不損其效能。
2. 因手人噴漆,表面字體或有模糊、大部份貨品均有少量刮掉的瑕疵。
3. 請查核內膽有沒有破裂,如破裂,和上述黑印或透明印不同,一定會看得到的。如不肯定,請用一支木筷子,在內膽輕滑,如有破裂紋,劃過時會發現。
4. 先注入溫水裝滿,扭緊瓶蓋及倒轉,看看有沒有嚴重漏水。
5. 如沒嚴重漏水(普通漏水屬正常,膠塞並不防水),請換注滿大滾水,浸一晚,扭緊瓶蓋,倒轉沒漏水的話,放12小時,12小時後水仍是熱的。
如不能通過上述事項,必須收貨後2天內回覆,並親臨我們公司換貨。收貨後第3天才通知,一律不接受換貨。如有任何問題,請與我們客戶服務同事聯絡,或致電駱駝牌維修熱線 2798 8882。
We are a CAMEL authorized Hong Kong & Macau distributor
Click here to contact our Customer Service Team.
Please pay attention to the estimated month of delivery before placing order.
In-stock orders will be delivered in its' respective month of delivery, while pre-orders will be handed over to the manufacturer for production after receipt of payment. Goods will be delivered on a "first pay-first served" basis. Should we be notified of any changes in estimated date of delivery by the manufacturer, well shall notify customers of respective changes.
Camel Vacuum Flask
- Made in Hong Kong
- Volume: 450ml
- Dimensions: 8cm (W) x 23.6cm (H)
- Enamel-painted tin-sheet, chromed brass shoulder, double wall vacuum insulation
- Improved bottle mouth for easier liquid pouring
- Insulation for 24 hours
- Durable stainless steel cup and twist-able plastic plug
For more product details, please refer to CAMEL's page
Points to note before placing order:
- Please read our "Payment & Delivery" page, "Instruction Manual" and all related terms and conditions before purchase.
- Neither exchange nor refund would be granted, unless products are faulty due to manufacturing defects.
- As no return nor exchange would be granted, measurements should be made before orders are placed. Please contact our Customer Service Team for further assistance.
- Colors shown in product photos may deviate from the actual product due to differences in computer monitor resolution. When needed, please contact our Customer Service Team to schedule an on-the-spot inspection before purchase.
- In case of repair and maintenance, please contact Camel's repair hotline at 2798 8882.
- Should you not agree with the above terms and conditions, please do not place the order. HKgoodstuffs shall not be liable to any responsibility once products have been delivered.